Our Mission

In ministry, as in any other field, inspired leadership matters. Now is the time to seize the opportunity.

The Challenge: Many churches in America are struggling. They face declining average attendance, financial pressure, staff turnover, and succession challenges as many senior pastors are at or near retirement. At a time when new leaders are most needed, church participation and interest in religion among college-age youth has steadily declined. Many of America’s most capable and faithful new graduates seek careers with positive impact in society but do not see churches as delivering that impact. Few are considering ministry as a calling. Instead, at graduation, they are going into NGOs, business, government, education, and academia. Many leading seminaries are struggling with falling enrollment.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Check out the Q&A from PreachFor Chairman, Don Kanak.

The Opportunity: Across the country, there are churches, spanning a wide range of denominations, faith traditions, sizes, and diverse communities, that are thriving -- with inspiring worship, vibrant ministries for youth, young adults and families, and life-changing outreach that serves and strengthens their communities. Looking inside those churches, one almost always finds inspired, faithful, and committed pastoral and lay leadership. In ministry, as in any other field, inspired leadership matters. Churches need to attract and nurture great leaders.